Let's Move Mountains And Find Your YOU🌄🙌
Dive into your shadow and discover your self-worth in my heart-centered workshops, healing circles and light language audios ðŸŒ
Transforming Trauma 2 Day Workshop ✌
Let me guide you to your path of alchemy and awakening as we dive deep into your soul, knowing you’re not your trauma, you are the light that’s in your heart. It’s time to dismantle layers of your conditioning so you can allow peace, joy and divine love into your being. Join me in person in Adelaide, Sydney and London. Click on the locations to learn more.
Conscious Relationship
2 Day Workshop👫💕
Embark on a sacred journey with me to start healing and integrating the feminine and masculine wounds as you liberate yourself through unconditional love, discover sensuality and play as a daily spiritual practice, learn and practice conscious communication and become emotionally independent in your relationships. This workshop is for singles and couples! Join me in person in Adelaide, Tokyo and London.
Inner Child Healing Circle 🌈
Go on a journey to start dissolving and letting go of insecurities and anxiety around your inner child's needs and deficiencies that are keeping you stuck in the past through quantum timeline healing, light language, star magic and sound therapy. Receive guidance on specific dates for the month to be mindful of planetary changes and shifts that would influence your energy and decisions and how to move forward as well as a personalised card reading and sacred shares in my heart-centered community. Join me via Zoom.
Ancestral Trauma Clearing Circle 👣
Experience an energetic clean up as you start to dissolve traumatic blockages and patterns passed down from your ancestors and aligning yourself to your truth through quantum timeline healing, light language, star magic and sound therapy. Receive guidance on specific dates for the month to be mindful of planetary changes and shifts that would influence your energy and decisions and how to move forward and a personalised card reading with sacred shares in a heart-centered container. Join me via Zoom.
Past Life Trauma Clearing Audio 🌌Â
Listen to this light language transmission whenever you feel called to. Go on a journey where you discover yourself in multiple past lives, what trauma showed in those timelines and how to dissolve them through quantum timeline healing, light language, high frequency codes and star magic to gain insight into how your past karma is showing up in this lifetime and reviving unconditional love, compassion, peace and freedom for the past versions of you. This is an audio mp3 where you can listen on any device without using wi-fi so there's no energetic interference and have this for life! Treat this as an energetic healing session.
Ancestral Trauma Clearing Audio 🌟
Listen daily for 30 days as you are guided through a quantum healing journey to dissolve an old timeline from your ancestors plus light language, singing bowl therapy, star magic healing and declaration to break free from soul contracts. Experience energetic and emotional shifts in your being as old timelines are falling away and find the natural rhythm of life. This is an audio mp3 where you can listen on any device without using wi-fi so there's no energetic interference and have this for life! Treat this as an energetic healing session.
Divine Empowerment Audio 🌅
Listen daily for 31 days for a powerful creation to manifest your heaven on earth. You are guided through visualisation techniques as you break through your fears around your lowest timeline to move into your highest timeline along with light language, high frequency codes, chakra and energetic clearing to raise your consciousness and vibration. This is an audio mp3 where you can listen on any device without using wi-fi so there's no energetic interference and have this for life! Treat this as an energetic healing session.
Childhood Trauma Clearing Audio 👼Â
Listen daily for 30 days or 90 days for extensive clearing. You are guided to start dissolving energetic timelines from your early childhood development from 0-8 where the programming has been imprinted that is currently projecting in your current reality. You may experience an emotional release as you express yourself and the power of light language and high frequency codes to restore joy, peace, safety and freedom for your inner child. This is an audio mp3 where you can listen on any device without using wi-fi so there's no energetic interference and have this for life! Treat this as an energetic healing session.